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Tuesday 2 April 2013

Some of these tips to improve your learning spirit

1. when I got home from school, Just relax before continuing your activities but, not too long later mamah you angry.

2. if there is a daily homework assignment you are meant to do just do it right.

3. learn in one place every day.

4. prepare all the stationery and everything before starting the study.

5. get rid of items that disrupt your concentration when you study.

6. doing the most simple tasks first and most exciting first.

7. rest for a moment when you feel bored or tired.

8. treat yourself every time you successfully do the job. (that's it from me, may be useful).


beberapa tips ini untuk meningkatkan daya semangat belajar kalian

1. setiba di rumah dari sekolah , bersantai sajalah dahulu sebelum melanjutkan aktivitasmu tapi , jangan lama-lama nanti mamah mu marah .

2. kalau ada tugas rumah harian yg harus kamu kerjakan langsung kerjakan saja .

3. belajarlah di satu tempat setiap hari.

4. siapkan semua alat tulis dan semuanya sebelum memulai belajar .

5. singkirkan barang-barang yg menggangu konsentrasimu saat kamu belajar .

6. kerjakan tugas yg paling mudah dulu dan paling mengasyikan dahulu.

7. beristirahatlah sejenak kalau kamu merasa jenuh atau lelah .

8. traktir dirimu sendiri setiap kali dirimu berhasil mengerjakan tugas . (itu saja dari saya,semoga dapat bermanfaat ) .

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